FYC Training

Filtering by: FYC Training

Growing up with Farnham Youth Choir: a celebration of 40 years of achievement and choral excellence
7:00 pm19:00

Growing up with Farnham Youth Choir: a celebration of 40 years of achievement and choral excellence

This concert promises to be a momentous occasion as FYC singers past and present join to celebrate the achievements and friendships made over the past 40 years.

Tickets - £25 (adults) £10 (under 18s)

Available from: Ticketsource

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to 13 Sept

Open rehearsal - all choirs

  • United Reformed Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

We are holding FREE open rehearsals on Wednesday 6th and Wednesday 13th September for all three of our choirs.

Senior Choir - United Reformed Church - 5.15pm - 7.00pm
Junior Choir - United Reformed Church - 5.15pm - 6.45pm
Training Choir - Farnham Maltings - 5.15pm - 6.15pm

Sign up at Join Us to reserve a place or email joinachoir@fyc.org.uk for more information.

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A Winter's Tale - FYC Christmas Concert
6:00 pm18:00

A Winter's Tale - FYC Christmas Concert

Join all the FYC choirs for our annual Christmas celebration. The choir will perform some timeless classics as well as other festive songs from around the world.

Don’t miss out on the early bird discount until 20th Nov!

Adults - £15 (until 20th Nov), £20 (from 21st Nov)
Under 18s - £5 (until 20th Nov), £10 (from 21st Nov)

Tickets available from the Farnham Maltings Box Office
e-mail: boxoffice@farnhammaltings.com
phone: 01252 745444

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5:00 pm17:00

Farnham Youth Choir - Junior Choirs Celebration Concer


Do to the recent ongoing national situation, this event has been postponed. Details regarding refunds will be issued over the coming week (wk/c 16th March 2020).

Our apologies for any inconvenience and disappointment caused by the postponement of this event.


Venue: The Spire Church (URC), South Street,Farnham, GU9 7QU

Tickets in advance: £10, £5 (18s and under)

Tickets on the door (cash only): £15, £5 (18s and under)

FYC members FREE

Tickets available from: https://www.ticketsource.co.uk/farnhamyouthchoir/t-vdzzym

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